Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Oral Cavity Examination : How to describe.


The mucosa of lips on examination is pink in color, shiny and lustrous. The vermilion border looks normal. There is no angular stomatitis, No swelling, no vesicles, ulcers scars or cleft lip.

On examination of mouth and oral cavity, there is no restriction in opening of mouth, the buccal mucosa looks normal with no abnormal change in color and surface epithelium. Opening of parotid gland opposite the upper second molar looks normal and patent without any redness swelling or pus.( If inflamed-On applying pressure over the parotid gland there is no discharge.)
No halitosis present.

On examination of gums and teeth, there is no redness or swelling over the gingival. There is no extraction of teeth. Dental caries are present on xyz teeth / No dental caries or abnormal dental pattern noted. Gingiolabial sulcus, gingiobuccal sulcus and Retromolar trigone looks normal. 

The mucosa overlying the hard and soft palate looks pink, moist and normal. The uvula is placed centrally and on asking the patient to say AHH there is symmetrical movement of palate and no deviation of uvula is noted
There is no cleft palate, oronasal fistula, No high arched palate, no bulge. No midline bony growth, mass or ulcer.  

On examination of tongue, the tongue is normal in shape, size and tone and bulk. No restricted motility on outward protusion, sideways movement and upward movement. There is no fasciculation and deviation of tongue on outward protusion. There is no coating, ulcer or fissure over the surface of the tongue. No ulcers on the lateral margin of tongue.
Opening of submandibular gland on either side of the frenulum on the undersurface of tongue is visible. There are no swelling or redness or pus. There is no scar, ulcer or swelling on the undersurface of tongue.
On bimanual palpation of submandibular salivary gland, there is no swelling or hard masses (stones).                         

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