Sunday, February 28, 2016

KOCHERS- All terms named after Theodor Kocher

Emil Theoder Kocher was a 1909 Nobel laureate who was a swiss researcher and physician. many instruments, surgical procedures, incision used to open various parts of the body and many clinical signs has been named after him to commemorate his outstanding achievement in the field of medicine. The following are some of the terms named after him 

Kocher's forcep/Clamp

It is a strong hemostatic forceps with serrated blades with interlocking teeth at the tip.

Kocher's sign

When clinician places his hands on patient’s eye and lifts it higher, patients eyelids springs up more quickly than the eyebrow, seen in Graves' Ophthalmopathy.

Kocher's incision

1.     In abdomen, it is an oblique  incision in right upper quadrant for open cholecystectomy. 
2.     In neck, it is  a transverse, slightly curved incision about 2 cm above the sternoclavicular joints

All other surgical incisions in the abdomen. 

Kocher's Maneuver:

1.     Kocherisation is a surgical maneuver to expose structures in the retroperitoneum behind the duodenum and pancreas; for example to control hemorrhage from the inferior vena cava or aorta, or to facilitate removal of a pancreatic tumor.

2.     In shoulder dislocation it is a maneuver used to reduce dislocations by externally rotating the shoulder, before adducting and internally rotating it.

Kocher's Reflex:

It is a sign elicited as contraction of abdominal muscles, in response to testicular compression.

Kocher's vein

The middle thyroid vein is named as Kocher's vein.

All the conditions with Strawberry signs 

Kocher's Test: 

The test to elicit obstruction is trachea is named as Kocher's test. Slight compression of the lateral lobe of thyroid gland produces stridor. If the test is positive, it signifies that the patient has an obstructed trachea.

Kocher's Point:

Common entry point for an intraventricular catheter to drain cerebral spinal fluid from the cerebral ventricles. It is located 2.5 centimeters from the midline (at approximately the mid-pupillary line) approximately 11 cm posterior to the nasion

Kocher–Debre–Semelaigne syndrome

A type of Hypothyroidism in infancy or childhood is named as Kocher-Debre-Semelaigne Syndrome. The components of which are: lower extremity or generalized muscular hypertrophy, myxoedema, short stature and cretinism.


Though named as Kocher, the following are totally different Kochers and not to be confused with Emil Theoder Kocher.

Kocher Criteria

It is a criteria to differentiate Septic Arthritis from transient synovitis in children with hip joint inflammation .It is named after Mininder S. Kocher, who was an orthopedic surgeon.

Kocher Approach

It is a incision on the skin and deep down the muslces to elbow. It is a Posterolateral Approach to Elbow allowing the  exposure of the entire distal humerus as well as radial head, radial neck, and biceps tuberosity.

Kocher's interval

It is a interneural interval between the ANCONEUS and the Extensor carpi Ulnaris

Sources (SRB Textbook of surgery, Wikipedia and online resources)