Friday, June 23, 2017

Rule of 10 : Pheochromocytoma

As previous site was dedicated to certain medical conditions that can be described with a certain number. So is this blog. This collects Number 5-10.

Rule of 10


Pheochromocytoma is a tumor most commonly arising from the adrenal medulla and secrete catecholamines (Adrenaline and Noradrenaline) in the vascular system however 10% arise from extraadrenal sites such as sympathetic chain around spinal cord, aorta, ureter and bladder. Generally these are benign tumors but 10% are malignant. 90 % occurs unilaterally and 10% occur in the family. Recently 10 gene mutations have been associated with the condition to add up to its list of 10. It rarely occurs in children (10%). And has tendency to recur (10%) even after surgical excision. 10% have been identified after the patient develops Stroke following malignant Hypertension.

Rule of 10 in pheochromocytoma

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