Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Causes of altered sensation of Smell

Anosmia (No smell)
Atrophic rhinitis
Peripheral neuritis
Degenerative Disease of Nose
Injury to factory nerve
Injury to olfactory bulb
Anterior Cranial fossa fracture
Intracranial abscess
Intracranial tumors

Causes of various types of Nasal discharge.

Parosmia (Perversion of smell)
Recovery Phase of post influenza anosmia
Intracranial tumor

Clinical Examination of Nose and PNS

Hyposmia (Decreased Smell)
Nasal Polyp
Enlarged Turbinate
Edema of Mucosal Membrane
 Common cold
Vasomotor Rhinitis
Allergic Rhinitis

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