Thursday, August 31, 2017

Digital Rectal Examination: How to describe

Describing a rectal examination and prostate

(Per Rectal examination is a part of abdominal examination and no per rectal examination is complete without perineal examination, per rectal examination and examination of supraclavicular node (Nodes of Virchow) along with renal angle tenderness. The following describes a normal finding of per rectal examination. If any abnormality or significant findings it must be described 

On inspection of the perineal area, no redness, no any perianal mass or tag, no fissure, no ulceration or any sinus opening seen.

No palpation of the perineal area, there is no local rise in temperature, no tenderness felt. No any palpable mass present.

Digital Rectal Examination
The tone of the sphincter is normal with no tenderness is present.
The anal canal is empty and no hard masses, impacted fecal material and polyps are palpable.
The mucosa overlying the anal canal is soft and mobile. There is no any palpable ulceration and fungating mass on examination of the walls of anal canal.
The prostate is enlarged and the upper border can not be palpated. The consistency is firm, the surface is smooth and borders are regular. The median sulcus can be palpated well and the mucosa overlying the prostate is freely mobile.
No blood stain was present on the tip of the finger at the end of digital Rectal Examination.

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