Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Gravida and Para: With 10 simple to complex case scenarios

Gravida indicates the number of times a lady has conceived including the current pregnancy, irrespective of outcome and gestational maturity. The lady is Gravid only when she is pregnant. So, Gravidity is the indicator of present and previous pregnancies. The possible outcome of any gravid uterus include live birth, still birth, abortions, hyaditiform mole, IUD or Neonatal death.

Parity indicates the number of times a lady has delivered a viable fetus(in underdeveloped and developing world 28 completed weeks of gestation) irrespective whether the outcome was live or still birth.

Abortion is the expulsion of product of conception before the age of viability. Both spontaneous (miscarriage) and induced (Medical Termination of Pregnancy) are included in this.
Living indicates the number of living child.
The parity Index is expressed as GnPn An Ln (n= number)

Now let us solve some cases to identify the parity index.

Problem no 1
A 19 years lady married 5 months back presented to your OPD with complains of amenorrhea for 2 months. Urine pregnancy test was done and was found to be positive. How will you define her pregnancy.

Problem no 2
A 22 years lady was married a year back and had one spontaneous abortion 8 months back at 12 WOG. She has again conceived and is 8 weeks pregnant. What is her parity Index?

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Problem No 3
A women underwent induced abortion at 4 months of gestation, followed by normal full term delivery and is again pregnant. What is her garvidity?

Problem no 4
A 35 years lady is pregnant for the second time now and had delivered twins at term in previous pregnancy. Calculate the parity Index.

Problem no 5
A lady is 36 weeks pregnant with triplets following an invitro fertilization. What is the parity index?

Click here for the solutions.

Problem no 6
A lady at 32 weeks of pregnancy has 3 kids, a pair of twins of 4 years age and one of age 7. What is the parity index.

Problem no 7
32 years lady has a 5 years child which she conceived after great efforts after having two unsuccessful pregnancies. One terminated at 13 weeks of gestation following inevitable abortion and another was a still birth. She thought she is currently pregnant but USG showed snow storm appearance in the uterus most probably hyaditiform mole. What is her parity index.
Problem no 8
A Lady with blood group B negative and sub-clinical hypothyroidism  delivered a normal baby in 2007. She was again pregnant in 2009 however it terminated early, again in 2010 there was another episode of abortion. In 2013, there was no complication in the early pregnancy but later the child developed erythroblastosis fetalis at 32 weeks of gestation and the pregnancy was terminated with a cesarean section. However the child could not survive. With such a bad obstetrics history, she has again conceived. What is her parity index.

Problem no 9
A mother of two children had underwent medical termination of pregnancy at 10 weeks of gestation as she had conceived unplanned.  She lost both her kids in a major disaster when they were just 4 and 6 years of age. She is again pregnant and luckily she has conceived two fetuses. What is her parity index

Problem 10
My grandmother had 15 children of which there were three sets of twin deliveries. Total of 7 uncle and 8 aunt are alive today. She had 2 kids who died within 3 days of birth of which one of the kid was from a twin delivery and 3 episodes of abortions in early stages. What was her parity index when she was pregnant with my youngest uncle.

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