Saturday, August 26, 2017

How to get more marks in medical subjects: Common heading in all answers

Answer writing techniques in medical and allied subjects.

Whenever you are asked to write the management of any disease divide the topic into smaller subheadings and the one applicable to all.

Clinical subjects
1.      Definition
2.      Epidemiology
3.      Etiology
4.      Pathophysiology
5.      Sign and symptoms 
6.      Gross Pathology
7.      Histopathology
8.      Complication
9.      Prognosis
1.      Definition
2.      Epidemiology
3.      Etiology
4.      Pathophysiology
5.      History
6.      Clinical examination
7.      Investigations
8.      Treatment
9.      Follow up
10.  Complication
11.  Prognosis

1.      Drug classification
2.      Mechanism of action
3.      Pharmacokinetics
4.      Pharmacodynamics
5.      Dose and formualtions
6.      Adverse effects
7.Spectrum of organism susceptible (In antibiotics, antivirals, antifungal)
8.      Indications and contraindications
1. Classification and type of organism
2.   Basic Morphology
3.   Transport and culture method
4.   Other Newer lab diagnosis
5.  Spectrum of antibiotic they are susceptible to

Diving in major  heading like this makes your presentation of knowledge more organised and remembering what yo know about the condition more easy. It is also easy for examiner to search for what he wants to see in your answer. And certain pathological condition about which you are totally blank and may have dropped the question can also be answered.

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