Friday, September 1, 2017

Abdominal Examination: How to describe.

Describing an abdominal examination.
Abdomen is flat (scaphoid/distended), moving corresponding with respiration (silent).
The umbilicus is centrally (more towards xiphisternum or symphysis pubis) placed and inverted (slit like/everted).
Flanks are not full.
A horizontal scar of around 15cm around 5 cm away from the umbilicus anteriorly and 5 cm away from vertebrae posteriorly us present. Multiple erythematous papules present over the abdomen.
No visible or dilated veins, no visible peristalsis and no visible pulsations present.
No supraclavicular and renal angle fullness.
Palpation of Liver 
On palpation, there is no local rise in temperature and no tenderness.
No masses palpable on superficial palpation and deep palpation. (If any mass palpable describe the mass accordingly in terms of size, shape, tenderness, consistency, border, margin, intraperitoneal vs retroperitoneal vs abdominal wall)
Liver and spleen were not palpable. (If organomegaly describe according to its size from anatomic landmarks, tenderness, surface, margins, borders, consistency. If liver is palpable, the percussion of the chest for its upper margin and the liver span should also be mentioned.)
Kidneys were not ballotable.
Renal angle tenderness present over the right side.
No gross deformity seen on genital examination
Supraclavicular lymph nodes were not palpable.

Tympanic note was present all over the abdomen. (If dullness present, mention about shifting dullness and fluid thrill.)

Normal bowel sounds heard, 3/min.

Per rectal examination was not performed.
>>No abdominal examination is complete without digital rectal examination. 

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