Saturday, September 2, 2017

Surgical Incision in abdomens.

Common and uncommon Surgical Incision on abdomen

The only way to approach any visceral organ is to make a nick in the abdomen. No matter how big or small, without incision no organ is tangible and any intervention is next to impossible. The incision is the most comfortable access into the site of pathology. The incision over the anterior abdominal walls are made with different objectives, they have their own pros and cons.

With the advent of newer technologies like laparoscopy the size of the incision is gradually decreasing in size however the knowledge of surgical incision is almost always needed to make sure in case anything goes wrong with minimally invasive procedures.

Vertical incisions
Approaches to
Upper midline
Viscera of upper abdomen

Minimal blood loss (Linea alba)
Minimal nerve damage
No muscle divided.
Quick to make and close
Can be extended upwards and downwards
Almost all the operation can be done through midline incision in abdomen and retro peritoneum.
Prominent Scarring
Lower midline
Viscera of lower abdomen
Emergency Cesarean Section
Prominent scar
Bladder and bowel are prone to get injured.
Right paramedian
Liver abscess, inflammatory biliary tract disease, perforated duodenal ulcer, Meckel’s diverticulitis, ileal typhoid perforation, mesenteric lymphadenitis, and appendicitis
Can be extended proximally and distally
Many of acute appendicitis causes are on the right side compared to the left.
Can assess more of lateral structures
More stronger as lateral rectus provides buttress

Gall Bladder
Biliary Tract
Open cholecystectomy

Not appropriate when biliary exploration biliary anastomoses with bowel segment is needed.
Left subcostal
Distal esophagus
Easy access to upper part of stomach and intra-abdominal esophagus

: Upper and lower median , Kocher , left subcostal , Right paramedian
Vertical Incision in abdomen 

Horizontal incisions
Approaches to
Left Thoracoabdominal
Lower esophagus
Cardia of stomach
Resection of lower part of stomach

Roof top / Chevron

oesophagectomy, gastrectomy, bilateral adrenalectomy, hepatic resections, or liver transplantation

Bucket handle
Stomach (vagotomy and Pyloroplasty)
Spleen (Splenectomy )
Appendix (Site of new kidney placement)
B/L kidney (Nephrectomy)
B/L ovaries(Hide the ovaries beneath pubis to prevent radiation hazard)
Renal Transplant
Single incision for almost all needed procedure during the renal transplantation surgery
Good healing
Bilateral subcostal incision excessively large

Mc Burney
Open Appendectomy
Good wound healing
Minimal Scar
Bladder injury

Cesarean Section
Prostatic surgery
Cosmetically better

No other abdominal incision needed even if bowel slips in or resection and anastomoses of the bowel needs to be done just widen the ring at the groin

Chevron, Bucket handle, pfannestial thoracoabdominal ,
Horizontal Incision in abdomen 

There are several modifications to various surgical incision. These are the commonly performed ones. The following sources or links can be useful to learn about more of the surgical incisions in the abdomen.

Sources : SRB Manual of surgery
ABDOMINAL INCISIONS IN GENERAL SURGERY: A REVIEW. Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine. 2007;5(2):59-63.

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