Saturday, September 2, 2017

History Writing: A case of Cellulitis

Italic words and parenthesized words and sentences are for readers purpose only not to be read when presenting a case. The letters In Blue are points of special interest to be discussed later.
All the patients may not have the same symptoms at presentation and the same risk factors, so history taking should always be INDIVIDUALISED than generalized to a standard sets of check list. It is always RECOMMENDED to ask the patient their problems and the question associated with the problem as per the need.
Interpersonal variations are always exists in the way the history is taken and written. Pattern, format and style of history taking and presenting are subject to change as per institutional protocol and region. Please kindly follow the system that is acceptable in your context.)

A case of bilateral limb swelling: Cellulitis

Name: Saraswoti Shrestha
Age: 44
Sex: Female
Religion: Hindu
Occupation: Farmer
Marital Status: married for 15 years
Address: Bhaktapur

Date of Admission: 21st November 2014
Date of Examination: 23rd November 2014
Mode of admission: Surgical OPD

Mrs. Saraswoti Shrestha, 44 years lady from Bhaktapur presented to surgery OPD with complains of

Chief complaints
                Pain and swelling of right leg for 11 days and left leg for 7 days
                Fever for 3 days  

History of Present Illness:
According to the patient she was in her usual state of health 11 days back then she gradually developed localized pain over the right lower leg around 10 cm below the knee joint. The pain was throbbing type, non-radiating. It was associated with itching sensation.  It was followed by swelling over that area, which gradually progressed downwards towards the ankle over a period of 3 days which made her leg swollen, red and shiny with patchy regions in-between.  Similarly, 7 days ago she developed similar painful area in the left lower limb inner aspect and gradually the limb swelled. The patient does not gives history of any trauma, insect bite or walking bare foot. (Risk factor of Cellulitis) No history of rashes, ulcer, vesicles, pus or discharge from the swollen area. No change in the color of overlying skin. (r/o Gangrene) She is unable to weight bear due to pain and swelling and has restricted her daily activity.

The swelling of limbs is associated with rise in body temperature for the last 3 days which was continuous and associated with chills. No rigor, no sweating and no rashes in other parts of the body.  However, the temperature is not documented. The patient does not give history of travel to other part of the country. (r/o Filaria)

Patient does not give history of prolonged immobility or any debilitating disease. (Risk factors for DVT) No history of severe pain even after walking a small distance. (Claudication)

The patient does not give history of chest pain, Shortness of breath, palpitation or hemoptysis. (r/o CHF)

No history of generalized weakness, lethargy, weight loss. No history of numbness or tingling sensation of the limbs. No known history of decreased sensation over the hand and feet. (Peripheral Neuropathy)

No history of burning micturition, urgency or frequency or excessive frothiness of urine. (r/o Nephrotic Syndrome)

No history of nausea, vomiting or pain abdomen. No history of altered bowel habit. No yellowish discoloration of skin or eyes. (r/o Liver failure)

History of past illness

The patient gives history of fever with sore throat two weeks back for which she took medication from the local medical shop which gradually subsided overtime.

She is known case of diabetes mellitus diagnoses 5 years back and is under oral medication. She does not give history of other chronic illnesses like HTN, Epilepsy or Tuberculosis. No history of any surgical intervention.

Personal history

Patient does not consume alcohol and is a nonsmoker.
She is non vegetarian and has normal bowel and bladder habit.
She has normal sleep pattern
She has a regular menstrual cycle occurring every 30 days, with menstrual bleeding for 2-3 days. She changes 2-3 partially soaked pads every day. She is not using Oral contraceptive Pills. (r/o DVT)

Family history

He has 8 members in the family.
No similar illness in the family.
No chronic illness like DM, HTN, TB or any cancers in the family.

Socioeconomic history

She belongs to a well sustained middle class family with good provision of clean drinking 
water and toilet facility.

Drug and allergy history

She has been taking medication for diabetes once daily in the morning. She does not consume other drug for any other chronic conditions.
No known history of allergy to any drug, food or any other substance.

Provisional Diagnosis
Bilateral Cellulitis with k/c/o Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Differential diagnoses
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Nephrotic /Nephritic Syndrome
Congestive Heart Failure
Chronic Liver disease

*** Disclaimer: This is a hypothetical case and is not a real life scenario. However, the condition is so common and prevalent, it is a coincidence if it matches with the life of any. This case is solely for educational purpose with no intensions meant otherwise. ***

1 comment:

  1. Coconut Oil is one of the the effective remedy for Cellulitis Herbal Treatment . It has excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of medium-chain fatty acids. These properties not only help treat cellulitis but also stop its recurrence.
